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compliance screen


The Compliance screen is where you relate relevant research compliance-related information and other special permissions that may be relevant to the project (e.g. proposals that include the use of human participants in research).

A. Click the Add compliance entry (Conditional) button to open the Compliance Entry window.


adding compliance


  1. Type (Required): Select from a drop-down list (the type selected may change the next options).
  2. Approval Status (Required): Select from a drop-down list (the type selected may change the next options).
  3. Protocol Number (Suggested): Enter a protocol number, if appropriate.
  4. Application Date (Suggested): Enter or select a date by clicking on the calendar tool, if appropriate.
  5. Exemption # (Suggested): Select from a drop-down list, if appropriate.
    Click Add Entry to apply this protocol/review to your proposal, otherwise, click Cancel.