Required Fields for Saving:
A. Proposal Type (Required): Displays options in a drop-down list. Scroll through the list and highlight the appropriate type for your submission.
- Continuation - A proposal to continue an existing award.
- New - Not proposed to this sponsor previously.
- Post-Award Action - Select this type in order to route modification documents or modifications to an award for already funded proposals.
- Pre Proposal - A proposal in advance of submission of a full proposal.
- Renewal - A proposal for the next competitive funding cycle. For example, if an award for a five-year project has ended, a submission for a renewal might request funding for years six through ten.
- Resubmission - A proposal to be resubmitted for new consideration.
- Revision - When the sponsor has requested a revision to the scope of work or budget in response to the original proposal.
- Supplemental ( - A proposal to add work and budget to an existing award. Do not select this type for S2S submissions.
- Task Order - Project funded under a master agreement.
B. Lead Unit (Required): Displays options in a drop-down list. The system should have selected the lead unit for you if you only have one unit.
- The list contains all the units where the logged in user has permission to create a proposal.
C. Activity Type (Required): Displays options in a drop-down list. Scroll through the list and highlight the appropriate type for your submission.
D. Project Dates (Required): Capture the period of the project. Click in the first Project Dates field to activate the calendar tool and enter the start date of your project. Click in the second Project Dates field to enter the end date.
- Click in the Month field and scroll to select the start month for this project.
- Click in the Year field and scroll to the start year for this project.
- Click a number in the calendar for the start date for this project.
- Alternatively, you may type the date in the field numerically in mm/dd/yyyy format.
E. Project Title (Required): Click in the field to type in the proposed title of the project. This should be the same as the title used in sponsor forms.
F. Sponsor (Required): Can be filled by one of the following methods:
- Enter the numeric code for the sponsor, if you know it.
- Start typing in the sponsor name; matching options will appear below the field. Select one if it is correct.
- Use the lookup icon at the end of the field to open a search window. Enter your query in the Sponsor Lookup window and click the Search button. Review the search results and select an option, or click 'refine search' to return to the criteria window.
- If a new sponsor entry is required, use the "Add a sponsor" button on the myGRANT Home screen for assistance.
G. Click
'Save and Continue' to create the proposal development document, otherwise click
'Cancel' to close this screen and return to the myGRANT portal.