

ORS School Assignments

Accounting Sponsor Assignments


Allowable, Allocable & Reasonable Cost

Costs charged to extramural projects should be in accordance with Subpart E – Cost Principles at 2 CFR 200

To be chargeable to an award, costs must be:

  • Allowable: UG 200.403: Permitted by federal or governmental regulations and/or the sponsor’s award terms and conditions, and consistently treated.
  • Reasonable: UG 200.404: Such that a “prudent person” would have paid the stated amount for the goods and services. “Prudent person” is generally defined as a person of “ordinary prudence and intelligence”.
  • Allocable: UG 200.405: Necessary to carry out the scope of, and provide a benefit to the project.  Note:  Unencumbered payments that are processed in KFS after the award termination date should include a justification for allowability and allocability and an explanation as to why the transaction is being processed after the award  termination date.

Additional information can be found in the Extramural Award Cost Guidelines.

Participant Support Costs


Indirect cost rates, fringe cost rate, and sponsor specific rates.

Cost Sharing



Agreement review and negotiation


The Office of Research Services is responsible for the review, negotiation and execution of ALL extramurally funded agreements between the University of Hawaiʻi and governmental, private, non‑profit and foreign sponsors.


The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation is responsible for review and negotiation of agreements when unrelated to an extramurally funded agreement:

  • Letters of Intent (LOI)
  • Letters of Agreement (LOA)
  • Memoranda of Agreement (MOA)
  • Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)

For questions regarding LOIs, LOAs, MOAs and MOUs, please contact the OVPRI at


The Office of Innovation and Commercialization is responsible for review and negotiation of:

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)
  • Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)

The Office of the Vice President for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer is responsible for review and negotiation of:

  • Data Use Agreements (DUA)
  • Data Sharing Agreements (DSA)

For questions regarding DUAs and DSAs, please contact the OVPIT/CIO at (808) 956-3501.


Campus chancellors are delegated authority to sign and execute affiliation agreements, sponsored class and sheltered class memoranda of agreements between their associated campus and an external agency, which are defined as:

  • Affiliation Agreement – An agreement between the College and an external agency that delineates responsibilities between the two parties when students are placed in clinical settings or internships within the external agency.  No financial remuneration can be included in an affiliation agreement.
  • Sponsored Class – An agreement where an external agency pays all of or part of the cost of offering a class in lieu of charging tuition to students, provided that (a) no federal funds are involved; and (b) the agreement terms and conditions do not create risk to the university and are consistent with university policy.  Agreements that include terms and conditions that could potentially create risk to the university or are inconsistent with university policy (including, but not limited to, requiring indemnification of the sponsor, or requiring the university to submit to a jurisdiction other than Hawaiʻi) should be reviewed and signed by the Office of Research Services.
  • Sheltered Class – An agreement between the College and an external agency to deliver a non-credit class for the agency where the funds will be deposited into the Community Colleges Special Fund accounts and provided that the contract or agreement is not for the type of awards listed below:
    1. Curriculum development projects at any level, including projects involving evaluation or curriculum or teaching methods;
    2. Projects which involve students in community service activities for which they are receiving academic credit (e.g. service learning);
    3. Activities funded by awards to departments or schools in support of students;
    4. Dissertation work funded by grants, including grants for travel in relation to a dissertation;
    5. Upward Bound program;
    6. Source of funding from federal funds; and
    7. Agreements that include terms and conditions that could potentially create risk to the university or are inconsistent with university policy (including, but not limited to, requiring indemnification of the sponsor, or requiring the university to submit to a jurisdiction other than Hawaiʻi)
  • Agreements that fall within categories 1-7 shall be reviewed and signed by the Office of Research Services.
  • Agreements for the payment of tuition and fees, regardless of source of funding; provided the fees are for (a) credit courses using established BOR rates or (b) non credit courses with established rates, either as published tuition rates and fees, or rates established using approved campus policy, provided, however, that if such agreements include terms and conditions that could potentially create risk to the university or are inconsistent with university policy (including, but not limited to, requiring indemnification of the sponsor, or requiring the university to submit to a jurisdiction other than Hawaiʻi), the agreement shall be reviewed and signed by the Office of Research Services.

If you have any questions please contact your assigned Contract & Grant Specialist at ORS or submit a Helpline ticket.


Project Management

Rebudgeting and Prior Approvals

As with any project, there may be a need for revisions to the budget or program plans.  For non construction awards, recipients must request prior approvals from Federal awarding agencies for the following program or budget-related reasons:

(1) Change in the scope or the objective of the project or program (even if there is no associated budget revision requiring prior written approval).

(2) Change in a key person specified in the application or the Federal award.

(3) The disengagement from the project for more than three months, or a 25 percent reduction in time devoted to the project, by the approved project director or principal investigator.

(4) The inclusion, unless waived by the Federal awarding agency, of costs that require prior approval.

(5) The transfer of funds budgeted for participant support costs to other categories of expense.

(6) Unless described in the application and funded in the approved Federal awards, the subawarding, transferring or contracting out of any work under a Federal award, including fixed amount subawards. This provision does not apply to the acquisition of supplies, material, equipment or general support services.

(7) Changes in the approved cost-sharing or matching provided by the non-Federal entity.

(8) The need arises for additional Federal funds to complete the project.

A Federal awarding agency is authorized, at its option, to waive other cost-related and administrative prior written approvals. Such waivers may include authorizing recipients to do any one or more of the following:

(1) Incur project costs 90 calendar days before the Federal awarding agency makes the Federal award.

(2) Initiate a one-time extension of the period of performance by up to 12 months

(3) Carry forward unobligated balances to subsequent budget periods.

(4) For Federal awards that support research, unless the Federal awarding agency provides otherwise in the Federal award or in the Federal awarding agency’s regulations, the prior approval requirements described above are automatically waived.  Appendix A Prior Approval Matrix for participating federal agencies is available at

Prior approval requirements apply to grants.  Contracts require modifications.  For additional information, refer to the Project Lifecycle / Post-Award Changes.


Cost Transfers

Cost transfers are an after-the-fact correction or reallocation to move costs from or to an extramural project account. With the FA’s assistance, PIs shall review and reconcile all sponsored accounts in a timely manner. Cost transfers should generally be processed no later than 90 days after the date of the original transaction (preferably within 60 days after posting of original transaction) in order for the UH to prepare accurate financial statements and receive proper reimbursement from our sponsors. An explanation of why the cost was incorrectly charged in the first place, and why a transfer is necessary shall be provided. Documentation to support the authorization of the cost transfer shall also be attached, if applicable. If the transfer is to a sponsored account, certification that the charge is allowable, allocable and reasonable is required. All unallowable costs should be transferred to a non-extramural or departmental account.  Reason for any untimely cost transfers should also be provided.


Principal Investigator (PI) Award Transfer Procedures


Responsible Stewardship of Extramural Awards

As a part of responsible stewardship for administering extramural awards, ORS is responsible for notifying PIs and Department Administrators of award requirements to ensure compliance with all of the sponsor’s award terms and conditions as well as applicable laws, rules and regulations.  In accordance with 2 CFR 200.328 and 329, the University is also responsible for performance and financial monitoring and reporting to the awarding agencies which includes any significant problems (e.g., adverse events, unanticipated problems with facilities, personnel, or laboratory resources, including human and animal subjects and fiscal or budgetary concerns) which have the potential to impede attaining the goals of an award.

In order to ensure that UH meets its reporting responsibilities, should a PI run into significant problems, project delay/difficulties, or compliance issues, the PI has the responsibility to notify ORS who, in turn, may be required to alert the awarding agency.  Information that ORS ( shall report to the awarding agency may include a description of the problem and any proposed solutions which have received the appropriate concurrence or approval from the Chancellor or Vice President for Research and Innovation.



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Accounting Forms
Prior Approval Form Prior Approval Form
NASA – NSSC No Cost Extension Prior Approval Form NASA – NSSC No Cost Extension Prior Approval Form
Transfer Project Request Transfer Project Request
Post Award Termination Form Post Award Termination Form
Form 1 Request for Advance Account Approval
PowerPoint Training for RAAA Online ORS Form 1
Form-Fillable ORS Form 1 (revised July 8, 2024)
Form 2 Fixed-Price – Residual Balance Closeout
Form 3 Fixed-Price Internal Account Extension Request
Compliance Forms

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Human Trafficking Compliance Plan Compliance Plan for Combating Trafficking in Persons
NSF Plan for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research University of Hawai‘i: Plan for Conducting Off-Campus or Off-Site Research in a Safe and Inclusive Working Environment
Subrecipient Forms

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Subrecipient Letter of Intent Subrecipient Letter of Intent (use for subrecipients listed in UH proposals)
S-1 Subrecipient Commitment Form
S-1 Instructions 
S-1 FDP Project Specific Questionnaire – FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Participant
S-1 FDP Instructions
Form S-2 Subrecipient Questionnaire
Form S-3 Sole Source Justification/Cost Price Reasonableness
Form S-4 Annual Subrecipient Audit Information
Form S-5 Subrecipient or Contractor (Vendor) Determination Checklist
Form S-6 Subaward Information Checklist
FAR 15.406-2 Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data (required for subawards / subcontracts > $750,000 issued under federal prime contracts)
UH-Issued Subaward Checklist UH-Issued Subaward Checklist (for UH Principal Investigator)
Subrecipient Checklist Subrecipient Checklist (Request from Subrecipient)
Subaward Amendment Request Subaward Amendment Request
Non-University of Hawaii (UH) Employee Conflicts of Interest Form Used by subrecipient investigators and key personnel that do not have an active COI policy


Agreement Templates

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UH Industry Agreement

FDP Subaward Templates – Uniform Guidance

FDP Research Subaward – Cost Reimbursement
FDP Research Subaward – Fixed Price
UH – Attachment 2, Special Terms and Conditions

  • Must be attached to all subaward agreements.
  • Payment Terms – Applies to all subaward agreements.
  • Tax Clearance – Applies to all subaward agreements, EXCEPT for (1) subawards which are less than $25,000; and (2) subawards being made to a governmental (state, local, federal, or foreign) agency.
  • Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs – Applies to all subaward agreements.
Attachment 3A (pre-filled with University of Hawaiʻi information)
Attachment 3B – Subrecipient Contacts
Attachment 4 – Reporting and Prior Approval Terms
Attachment 5 – Statement of Work, Cost Sharing, Indirects & Budget

Subaward Modification

Sample modification to incorporate UG into existing subaward – To be used when prime notice of award issued to PTE is subject to Uniform Guidance (UG), and a modification needs to be issued to subrecipient whose original agreement was subject to the prior OMB Circulars. This modification template will flow-down UG to the subrecipient.

Sample modification for awards issued under UG – To be used when a modification must be issued to a subrecipient already subject to the Uniform Guidance per the original subaward.

Sample unilateral modification – An option for PTEs to use to expedite agreements under circumstances where simple, non-substantive modifications to the original agreement are needed. Examples of its use are provided on the template. Please note that this template can only be used if both parties agreed to unilateral amendments per the Facepage of the original agreement.

Subaward Agreements with International Collaborators


RCUH Service Order Forms

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Form Description

AP 12.203 Attachment 1

Internal Service Order Form

AP 12.204 Attachment 1

Revolving Account Service Order Request