Project Accounts

Roles & Responsibilities

Principal Investigators

  • Provide a revised budget if the award amount, award increment amount and/or performance period differ from the proposal
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, policies, procedures, and award terms and conditions
  • Provide information and/or approval as requested by ORS

Fiscal Administrators

  • Assist the PI with any required budget revisions
  • Ensure ORS accounting has an accurate and complete budget for the award or applicable award increment
  • Work with ORS to create accounts and any necessary subaccounts in the university financial system
  • Review initial project account setup and all account changes for accuracy
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, policies, procedures, and award terms and conditions
  • Provide information as requested by ORS

Chancellor / Dean / Director/ Chairperson

  • Ensure PI’s compliance with all applicable regulations, policies, procedures, and award terms and conditions
  • Provide information and/or approval as requested by ORS

Office of Research Services

  • Create initial project accounts in the university financial system
  • Create subaccounts in the university financial system, if applicable
  • Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, policies, procedures, and award terms and conditions


Initial project account

The assigned ORS accountant will establish the initial project account and input the budget in the university financial system as awarded by the sponsor within three (3) business days of receiving notice that an award has been formally accepted. FAs are responsible to review the initial project account setup for accuracy.

Delays in opening initial project accounts may result if ORS does not have all required information, including the approved sponsor budget and proper account attributes.

Information regarding accounts in the university financial system is fed on a nightly basis to the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi (RCUH) through an interface. Once the initial project account is opened on the UH side, the RCUH project account should be available for use the next day.

Account maintenance

FAs are responsible to initiate the appropriate eDoc for account and budget maintenance for existing awards, and to review all account changes for accuracy.

  • Additional account: An account eDoc should be initiated by the FA if an additional account is needed for an existing award. A pseudo account number should be input into the account number field. ORS will assign an account number once the eDoc is received.
  • Additional funding: A Single Sided Budget Adjustment (SSBA) eDoc should be initiated by the FA to input additional funding to an account.
  • Rebudget: A Budget Adjustment (BA) eDoc should be initiated by the FA to rebudget within an account, or between account. For the BA eDoc, the “TO” and “FROM” sections must be equal in amount (self-balancing).

See Awards Account Set-up for additional information.


Account Establishment and Update Procedures

National Science Foundation (NSF) Survey Codes for the Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey – FY 2016


AP 8.926 Administrative and Financial Management Requirements for Extramurally Financed Research and Training Programs/Activities of the University of Hawai`i
AP 12.405 Advance Funding Accounts for Externally Financed Programs and Activities
AP 12.410 Accounting for Cost Sharing