Contracts & Grants School Assignments
For questions on your award, please contact your specialist with the following information: myGRANT award number, sponsor award number, title of the project, PI name, your unit/department, sponsor name, and KFS number, if appropriate.
Campus/College/Unit | Campus | Pre-Award Specialist | Contracts Specialist | Keywords |
President, University of Hawaiʻi System | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the State Director for Career and Technical Educ | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP for Community Colleges | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP For Budget & Finance/ Chief Financial Officer | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP for Administration | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP for Academic Strategy | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP for Information Technology/CIO | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the VP for Research and Innovation (except PDC, ARL) | System | Amy Trimble | Claire Muzzatti | |
Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) | System | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo | UH Hilo | Victoria Rivera | Victoria Rivera | |
University of Hawaiʻi Maui College | UH Maui College | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
University of Hawaiʻi at West Oʻahu | UH West Oʻahu | Keith Kardash | Sacha Thompson | |
Hawaiʻi Community College | Hawaiʻi CC | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Honolulu Community College | Honolulu CC | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Kapiʻolani Community College | Kapiʻolani CC | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Kauaʻi Community College | Kauaʻi CC | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | |
Leeward Community College | Leeward CC | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | |
Windward Community College | Windward CC | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | |
Office of the Provost | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the Vice Provost for Student Success | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
Manoa Office of Business and Finance | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
College of Arts, Languages, and Letters (CALL) | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Amy Trimble | |
School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS) | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | |
College of Arts and Humanities (A&H) | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Amy Trimble | ?? |
College of Education | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Claire Muzzatti | |
College of Engineering | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Claire Muzzatti | |
College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU) | UH Mānoa | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Department of Chemistry | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Information and Computer Sciences | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Department of Mathematics | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Department of Physics and Astronomy | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
Marine Option Program | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
School of Life Sciences | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Melissa West | College of Natural Sciences (Nat Sci) |
College of Social Sciences | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Department of Anthropology | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Economics | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Ethnic Studies | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Geography | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Political Science | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Psychology | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Claire Muzzatti | |
Public Administration | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
School of Communications | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Social Science Research Institute | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Sociology | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Urban and Regional Planning | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Cooperative Extension | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Oahu County | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Kauai County | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Hawaii County | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Maui County | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Office of The Assoc Dean for Academic and Student Affairs | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Family and Consumer Sciences | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Center on the Family | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Melissa West | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Melissa West | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Natural Resources and Environmental Mgt (NREM) | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Tropical Plant and Soil Science | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Western Insular Pac Sun Grant Subcenter | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Jennifer Teramoto | College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) |
Hawai’inuiakea School of Hawaiʻian Knowledge | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Native Hawaii Student Services | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Sacha Thompson | |
Institute for Astronomy (IfA) | UH Mānoa & UH Maui College & UH Hilo | Sacha Thompson | Jennifer Teramoto | |
John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Academic Affairs (ADAA) | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Geriatric Medicine | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Medicine | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Native Hawaiian Health | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Womens Health | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Pediatrics | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Psychiatry | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Quantitative Health Sciences | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Surgery | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Micro and Pharm | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Fundamentals of Health Sciences (ADR) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Hawaii Center for Aids Research | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Institute for Biogenesis Research | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Amy Trimble | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Office of Biostatistics & Quantitative Health Sciences | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) |
Lyon Arboretum | UH Mānoa | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | |
Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Melissa West | |
Outreach College | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
School of Architecture | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Amy Trimble | |
SOEST Dean’s Office | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Melissa West | |
Center for Microbial Oceanography, Research and Edu (C‐MORE) | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (CIMAR) | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Department of Atmospheric Sciences | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Department of Ocean and Resources Engineering | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Claire Muzzatti | |
Department of Oceanography | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Melissa West | |
Earth Sciences | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Claire Muzzatti | |
Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Hawaiʻi Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) | UH Mānoa | Melissa West | Jennifer Teramoto | |
International Pacific Research Center (IPRC) | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Pacific Biosciences Research Center (PBRC) | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Sea Grant College Program | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Jennifer Teramoto | |
University Marine Center/Ship Operations | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner | |
Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Center on Aging | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Claire Muzzatti | |
Department of Social Work | UH Mānoa | Keith Kardash | Claire Muzzatti | |
Dept of Public Health Sciences and Epidemiology | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Office of Public Health Studies | UH Mānoa | Sacha Thompson | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Shidler College of Business | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Department of Information Technology Management | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Claire Muzzatti | |
Pacific Asian Management Institute | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Claire Muzzatti | |
School of Travel Industry Management | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Jennifer Teramoto | |
University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) |
Cancer Etiology (Epidemiology) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) |
Natural Products (Cancer Biology) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) |
Social and Behavioral Sciences (Prevention in the Pacific) | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) |
Translational and Clinical Research | UH Mānoa | Diana Nettleton | Claire Muzzatti | University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center (UHCC) |
Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) | UH Mānoa | Shwe Yee Oo | Shwe Yee Oo | |
William S. Richardson School of Law | UH Mānoa | Amy Trimble | Jennifer Teramoto | |
Waikiki Aquarium | UH Mānoa | Mariel Rayner | Mariel Rayner |