
IBC Operating Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

Biosafety Policies for Researchers and Staff

DURC Policies + Procedures

University of Hawai‘i Dual Use of Concern policies and procedures

Effective 9/23/15

Hawai‘i DLNR Regulations & Permits Policy

The state of Hawai‘i has regulations on the Collection and Possession of certain species or artifacts, Commercial Activity, Access to certain areas, and use of particular equipment for SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL OR PROPAGATION PURPOSES – HRS 187A-6. Any person with a bona fide scientific, educational or propagation purpose must apply in writing to obtain a Special Activity Permit to legally take certain specimens, use certain gear, and gain entrance into certain areas otherwise prohibited. Please consult Guidelines for Research, Collection, Possession, Commercial Activity, and Access Permits.

Inspections Policy

All research, teaching, and testing facilities that store or use infectious agents or toxins must be inspected at least annually.

Contact to schedule an inspection
(808) 956-2285

See “Forms and Templates” for Lab-specific Inspection Checklists.

Inventory (Laboratory) Policy

A Laboratory Inventory Declaration (LID) of all biological agents and toxins must be completed annually and submitted to ORC.

Contact to schedule an inspection
(808) 956-2285

“Biomaterials” include but are not limited to plants, animals, arthropods, invertebrates, insects, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, oomycetes, mycoplasmas, RNA, recombinant DNA, prions, proteins, GMOs, cell lines [specify if transformed, immortalized], tissues (e.g., blood, lung), human specimens (sputum, urine, feces, tissue, swabs), non-human animal specimens, fetal calf serum, algae, protoclones and nematodes, weeds, biological control agents (including those not presently discovered or known to exist in Hawai‘i) and “new” microorganisms identified as those “combining genetic material from organisms in different genera.”

See “Forms and Templates” for Lab Declaration forms.

Biosafety Program Services for Non-UH Entities

U.S. Biological Safety Campaign

To better protect public health, the White House and NIH has urged us to review biosafety and biosecurity procedures, and to continue our sustained inventory monitoring. Take time to

  • Clean out refrigerators and freezers, discard waste appropriately, and decontaminate
  • Create or update an accurate inventory of infectious agents and biotoxins
  • Update your biosafety training
  • Contact ORC for assistance with any biosafety issues of concern

For further information, link to the following sites:

Fact Sheets

Dengue in Hawai‘i

Mold Information

Federal Agencies

Federal Regulations
Local Regulations

Other Resources